What are 4th grade *WEEK 4* *IN FLORIDA* crossword answer? I been trying but couldn't get it and I don't want to fail

To find the answer to a specific 4th grade crossword puzzle in Florida for Week 4, you have a few options:

1. Ask your teacher or classmates: Your teacher should provide you with all the necessary information and materials to complete the puzzle. They may also be able to offer some guidance or clarification if you're having trouble.

2. Look for a crossword puzzle book or website: There are many resources available online or in bookstores that offer crossword puzzles specifically designed for different grade levels. These resources often provide answer keys, making it easier for you to check your answers.

3. Use crossword puzzle-solving strategies: If you're determined to solve the puzzle on your own, there are some strategies you can use. Start by filling in the easier clues, as they will provide some letters that might help you with the more challenging clues. Look for any familiar words, prefixes, or suffixes that might provide hints. Additionally, considering the theme or topic of the puzzle can sometimes give you clues for specific answers.

Please note that as a text-based AI, I do not have access to specific crossword puzzles or their answers. It would be best to consult your teacher, classmates, or available resources mentioned above to find the answer you're looking for.