Design an algorithm that multiplies three numbers and display the results?

To design an algorithm that multiplies three numbers and displays the result, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by defining three variables to store the three numbers you want to multiply: num1, num2, and num3.

2. Initialize these variables with the values of the three numbers you want to multiply.

3. Multiply the three numbers together and store the result in a new variable called "product."

4. Finally, display the result by printing the value of the "product" variable.

Here's the algorithm in pseudocode:

1. Start
2. Declare num1, num2, num3 as variables.
3. Input values for num1, num2, and num3.
4. Declare a variable called product and set it to 1.
5. Multiply num1, num2, and num3 together and assign the result to the product variable.
6. Display the value of the product variable.
7. End

By following this algorithm and providing the values for the three numbers, you will be able to multiply them and display the result.