the Lehman's minivan requires 5 gallons of gasoline to travel 120 miles. How much gasoline will they need for a 350 mile trip

350 mi * (5 gal /120 mi) = 14.6 gal

To determine how much gasoline the Lehman's minivan will need for the 350-mile trip, you can use a proportion to find the equivalent amount of gasoline for the given distance.

Let's set up the proportion:

(5 gallons / 120 miles) = (x gallons / 350 miles)

Now, we can cross multiply and solve for x:

5 * 350 = 120 * x

1750 = 120x

Dividing both sides by 120:

1750 / 120 = x


x ≈ 14.58333 gallons

Therefore, the Lehman's minivan will need approximately 14.58333 gallons of gasoline for the 350-mile trip.

To determine how much gasoline the Lehman's minivan will need for a 350 mile trip, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

- The minivan requires 5 gallons of gasoline to travel 120 miles.

Let's assume x represents the unknown amount of gasoline required for a 350 mile trip.

We can set up a proportion using the ratio of gasoline to distance traveled:
5 gallons / 120 miles = x gallons / 350 miles

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and solve the equation:

5 * 350 = 120 * x
1750 = 120x

Dividing both sides by 120:
1750 / 120 = x
x ≈ 14.58

Therefore, the Lehman's minivan will need approximately 14.58 gallons of gasoline for a 350 mile trip.