Calculate the resultant force of values 10N,12N,16N,20N,15N.acting on an object at O as shown in fig 120

I have no idea what Figure 120 looks like.

no idea

To calculate the resultant force of multiple forces acting on an object, we need to use vector addition.

Step 1: Plot the forces.

Before calculating the resultant force, we need to understand the direction and magnitude of each force. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I do not have access to visual information, so I can't see the figure you mentioned. However, I can help you with the calculations based on the values you provided.

Let's assume that the forces act in different directions. Label them as F₁ = 10N, F₂ = 12N, F₃ = 16N, F₄ = 20N, and F₅ = 15N.

Step 2: Resolve the forces into their x and y-components.

If you have information about the angles at which the forces act, you can use trigonometry to break down the forces into their x and y-components. However, since you did not provide this information, let's assume that the forces act purely in the x or y directions. In that case, we will only consider the magnitude and the sign of each force.

F₁ acts in the positive x-direction.
F₂ acts in the positive x-direction.
F₃ acts in the positive x-direction.
F₄ acts in the positive x-direction.
F₅ acts in the positive x-direction.

Step 3: Calculate the resultant force in the x-direction.

To calculate the total force in the x-direction, we need to add up the forces acting in that direction.

Resultant force in the x-direction (Rᵣₓ) = F₁ + F₂ + F₃ + F₄ + F₅

Rᵣₓ = 10N + 12N + 16N + 20N + 15N

Rᵣₓ = 73N

So, the resultant force in the x-direction is 73N.

Step 4: Calculate the resultant force in the y-direction.

Since we assumed all the forces act purely in the x-direction, we can assume there is no force acting in the y-direction. Therefore, the resultant force in the y-direction (Rᵣᵧ) is zero.

Rᵣᵧ = 0N

Step 5: Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force.

To calculate the magnitude of the resultant force (Rᵣ), we use the Pythagorean theorem:

Rᵣ = √(Rᵣₓ² + Rᵣᵧ²)

Rᵣ = √(73N² + 0N²)

Rᵣ = √(5329N²)

Rᵣ ≈ 73N

So, the magnitude of the resultant force is approximately 73N.

Since there is no force acting in the y-direction (Rᵣᵧ = 0N), the direction of the resultant force will be in the same direction as the positive x-axis.

Therefore, the resultant force is approximately 73N in the positive x-direction.