Use the Law of Detachment to draw a logical conclusion from the two given statements. If not possible, choose not possible.

-If you drive safely, then you can avoid accidents.
You have never been in an accident.
A) You drive safely.
B) You avoid accidents by driving safely.***
C) You avoid accidents.
D) not possible
*- the one i think is right

Agree, but still not geometry.

Idk, the unit in geometry is reasoning and proof

To use the Law of Detachment, we need to identify the two given statements. Let's label them as follows:

Statement 1: If you drive safely, then you can avoid accidents.
Statement 2: You have never been in an accident.

The Law of Detachment states that if a conditional statement is true and the hypothesis is true, then the conclusion is also true.

In this case, Statement 1 is a conditional statement with the hypothesis "if you drive safely" and the conclusion "then you can avoid accidents."

Statement 2 states that "You have never been in an accident."

To draw a logical conclusion from these statements, we can apply the Law of Detachment. Since both statements are true, and the hypothetical statement in Statement 1 is true, we can conclude that the conclusion of Statement 1 is also true.

Therefore, the logical conclusion from the two given statements is:

B) You avoid accidents by driving safely.

This conclusion aligns with the information provided and satisfies the Law of Detachment.