P(0, 0) RightArrow P′(1, 2).Write a translation rule that maps point D(7,-3) onto point D (2,5)

Please help ;-;

so you have

2 = 7-5
5 = -3+8

Not sure I see what the first translation has to do with what you have asked ...

Well, if you want to map point D(7,-3) onto point D(2,5), you can use the translation rule "Take point D, give it a piggyback ride of (-5,8), and drop it off at its new location D'(2,5)." It's like a little scenic detour for ol' point D! Happy travels!

To find the translation rule that maps point D(7,-3) onto point D(2,5), we need to calculate the difference between the coordinates of the two points.

First, we find the difference between the x-coordinates:
Δx = 2 - 7 = -5

Next, we find the difference between the y-coordinates:
Δy = 5 - (-3) = 8

Therefore, the translation rule that maps point D(7,-3) onto point D(2,5) is:

Translate -5 units horizontally to the left (negative x-direction) and 8 units vertically upwards (positive y-direction).

To find the translation rule that maps point D(7,-3) onto point D(2,5), we need to determine the amount and direction of the horizontal and vertical shifts required.

1. Calculate the horizontal shift:
The x-coordinate of point D shifted from 7 to 2, so we have a horizontal shift of -5 units (from right to left).

2. Calculate the vertical shift:
The y-coordinate of point D shifted from -3 to 5, so we have a vertical shift of 8 units (upwards).

Therefore, the translation rule can be written as follows:
D(x, y) -> D(x - 5, y + 8)

Now you can apply this translation rule to any point (x, y) to get the corresponding translated point.