the police called by stephanie, mr, james nurse when she found mr james dead body. the police ask what had been happen before she found out and stephanie said " i was in call when i left mr james in here room, he's watching tv in the balcony and after 5 minutes i heard a gunshot, i call mrs james he's wife but she didn't answer so i left a message telling her that there's something happened and she should need to come home immediately". after hearing, the police went outside and found mrs james approaching the house. "that's terrible! how could possibly shot my husband?mrs james said. the police arrested mrs james immediately. why?

The police arrested Mrs. James because her statement contradicts Stephanie's account of the events. Stephanie claimed that she heard a gunshot after leaving Mr. James in his room watching TV on the balcony, and Mrs. James confirmed that she received a call from Stephanie informing her about something happening. However, Mrs. James responded with an incriminating statement, saying, "That's terrible! How could possibly shoot my husband?" This implies that she already knows that Mr. James has been shot even before being informed by Stephanie. Her immediate knowledge of her husband being shot suggests that she might be involved or responsible, leading the police to arrest her.