Joe and Jerry went for a bike trek during the holidays. On the first day they rode 1/3 of the total distance. On the second day they were tired and only rode 25% of the remaining distance. Last day they rode the remaining 18 km. Calculate the


1/3 x + 0.25(2/3 x) + 18 = x

now finish it off

To solve for x, we first need to combine the two fractions on the right-hand side:

1/3 x + 0.25(2/3 x) = 1/3 x + 1/6 x = 1/2 x

So now we have:

1/2 x + 18 = x

Subtracting 1/2 x from both sides, we get:

18 = 1/2 x

Multiplying both sides by 2, we get:

x = 36

Therefore, the total distance of the bike trek was 36 km + 18 km (from the last day) = 54 km.

However, the question asks us to calculate the distance they rode on the second day, which was 25% of the remaining distance after the first day.

On the first day they rode 1/3 of the total distance, which is:

(1/3) * 54 km = 18 km

So after the first day, the remaining distance was:

54 km - 18 km = 36 km

And on the second day, they rode:

0.25 * 36 km = 9 km

Therefore, Joe and Jerry rode 9 km on the second day.

To calculate the total distance of the bike trek, we will need to add up the distances covered on each day.

Let's start by finding the distance covered on the first day. We are given that Joe and Jerry rode "1/3 of the total distance" on the first day. Let's represent the total distance as "d" for simplicity.

Distance covered on the first day = 1/3 * d

Now, let's find the distance covered on the second day. It is mentioned that on the second day they rode "25% of the remaining distance". The remaining distance after the first day would be (total distance - distance covered on the first day).

Remaining distance after the first day = d - (1/3 * d)

Distance covered on the second day = 25% * (remaining distance after the first day)

Finally, on the last day, they rode the remaining 18 km.

Total distance = distance covered on the first day + distance covered on the second day + 18 km

Therefore, the calculation for the total distance can be represented as:

Total distance = 1/3 * d + (25% * (d - (1/3 * d))) + 18 km

To find the value of "d" (the total distance), we would need more information or numerical values to substitute into the equation.