In three to five sentences, describe the role of women in movements to improve social and economic conditions, and explain the successes they had.


A shift in social attitudes brought Help me sue or whoever smart as history In the 1800s, it was believed women were good at working on projects to improve the community because (5 points) women were better leaders than men. women were better planners than men. women were more emotional than men. women history 1.

Women have played a crucial role in movements aimed at improving social and economic conditions throughout history. They have often been at the forefront of advocating for equal rights, access to education, and better working conditions. Their successes include achieving suffrage rights in many countries, opening up opportunities for higher education and employment, and championing policies that address gender inequality. These achievements have contributed to a more equitable society, allowing women to participate more fully in various spheres of life and shaping a more inclusive future.