Create a detailed image of a bustling, inviting handbag shop. Have the scene depict a South Asian female shop owner, proudly standing at the counter, with stacks of stylish handbags in various shapes and forms – satchels, totes, clutches, and crossbody bags – spread out around her. Imagine the store offering a special sale, with each bag has a unique design and color, attracting many customers. The shop should buzz with satisfied customers, including a Caucasian man eagerly purchasing two handbags, a Black woman browsing with interest, and a Middle-Eastern man examining a handbag closely. Make sure the image does not contain any text.

A shop owner bought 260 handbags at 5 for $25 she then sold all of them at 2 for $18 how much money did she make

cost: 250 * 25/5 = ___

income: 260 * 18/2 = ____
profit = income - cost = _____

Well, it seems like the shop owner loves a good bargain! Let's do some calculations here.

The shop owner bought 260 handbags at 5 for $25, which means the cost of each handbag was $5.

So, the total cost of buying 260 handbags would be $5 x 260 = $1300.

Now let's move to the selling part. The shop owner sold all the handbags at 2 for $18, which means the price for each pair of handbags was $18.

Since each pair contains 2 handbags, the price for each handbag would be $18 / 2 = $9.

Now, since the shop owner bought 260 handbags, and sold each handbag for $9, the total amount of money made would be $9 x 260 = $2340.

So, she made a total of $2340 by selling all the handbags. Kudos to her business skills and love for a good deal!

To find out how much money the shop owner made, we can break down the steps and calculate the profit for each transaction.

Step 1: Calculate the total cost of buying the handbags:
The shop owner bought 260 handbags at a rate of 5 for $25.
So, the cost of buying one handbag can be calculated using:
Cost of 5 handbags = $25
Cost of 1 handbag = $25 / 5 = $5

The total cost of buying 260 handbags can be calculated as:
Total cost = Cost per handbag * Number of handbags
Total cost = $5 * 260 = $1300

Step 2: Calculate the total revenue from selling the handbags:
The shop owner sold all the handbags at a rate of 2 for $18.
So, the price of selling one handbag can be calculated using:
Price of 2 handbags = $18
Price of 1 handbag = $18 / 2 = $9

The total revenue from selling 260 handbags can be calculated as:
Total revenue = Price per handbag * Number of handbags
Total revenue = $9 * 260 = $2340

Step 3: Calculate the profit:
Profit = Total revenue - Total cost
Profit = $2340 - $1300 = $1040

Therefore, the shop owner made a profit of $1040.

To solve this problem, we need to find the total amount of money the shop owner spent on buying the handbags and compare it to the total amount of money she made by selling them.

First, let's find out the total amount of money the shop owner spent on buying the handbags. We know that she bought 260 handbags at 5 for $25. This means that she bought a total of 260 / 5 = 52 sets of 5 handbags for $25 each set.

To find the total cost of buying the handbags, we multiply the number of sets by the cost per set: 52 sets x $25/set = $<<52*25=1300>>1300.

Therefore, the shop owner spent $1300 to buy the handbags.

Next, let's find out how much money she made by selling all the handbags. We know that she sold all the handbags at a rate of 2 for $18. This means that for every 2 handbags sold, she received $18.

To determine the total number of sets of 2 that can be made from the 260 handbags, we divide 260 by 2: 260 / 2 = 130 sets.

To find the total amount of money made by selling all the handbags, we multiply the number of sets by the selling price per set: 130 sets x $18/set = $<<130*18=2340>>2340.

Therefore, the shop owner made $2340 by selling all the handbags.

To calculate the amount of money she made, we subtract the total amount spent from the total amount earned: $2340 - $1300 = $<<2340-1300=1040>>1040.

Therefore, the shop owner made $1040.