Abby and Hakeem had the same number of CDs. After Abby gave away 28 CDs and Hakeem sold 17 CDs, so the ratio of the number of Abby's CDs to the number of Hakeem's CDs became 2:3. How many CDs did they have altogether in the beginning?

To solve this problem, let's first set up equations based on the given information.

Let's assume that Abby and Hakeem initially had x CDs each.

After Abby gave away 28 CDs, she had x - 28 CDs left.

After Hakeem sold 17 CDs, he had x - 17 CDs left.

According to the problem, the ratio of the number of Abby's CDs to the number of Hakeem's CDs became 2:3 after the transactions.

Therefore, we can write the equation: (Abby's CDs)/(Hakeem's CDs) = 2/3.

Substituting the values we have, we get: (x - 28)/(x - 17) = 2/3.

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply: 3(x - 28) = 2(x - 17).

Expanding and simplifying, we get: 3x - 84 = 2x - 34.

Bringing like terms to one side, we have: 3x - 2x = 84 - 34.

Simplifying further, we get: x = 50.

Since Abby and Hakeem initially had the same number of CDs, the total number of CDs they had altogether in the beginning is: 2x = 2 * 50 = 100.

Therefore, Abby and Hakeem had a total of 100 CDs altogether in the beginning.

Hey. I just did that below. 100

impatient much?

once is enough, thank you.