If anybody took Unit 3 Lesson 1, I need help. I am in 8th Grade.

So if anyone took it, please check my answers!

1. Through the Artist's use of cool colors, which of the following principles of design is most evident in this image?

A. Radial balance
B. Harmony***
C. Emphasis
D. Proportion

2. Which element of art would this tool help an artist to understand?

A. Line
B. Shape
C. Color***
D. Space

3. Which of the following principles is NOT represented in this work of art?
A. Variety
B. Pattern
C. Emphasis***
D. Radial Balance

No, typo, sorry, the last one is Radial Balance, I did the assement.


I couldn't put the pictures, sorry.

D, oh, all right, ok.

Help you, I will, is right.


The last one is wrong, its D.

1. radial balance and pattern

2. movement
3. harmony
4.placing boats on both sides of the image.

To check your answers for Unit 3 Lesson 1, let's go through each question and explain how to arrive at the correct answer:

1. Through the Artist's use of cool colors, which of the following principles of design is most evident in this image?

To determine the correct answer, you need to consider the information given in the question. Here, the artist's use of cool colors is mentioned. Cool colors typically refer to shades of blue, green, and purple, which create a calming and soothing effect.

Now let's analyze the answer choices:
A. Radial balance: Radial balance refers to a design where elements radiate outwards from a central point. There is no indication of radial balance in the question.
B. Harmony: Harmony refers to the visual relationship between different elements of a design that creates a pleasing and unified composition. Since the artist's use of cool colors suggests a cohesive and unified feel, this seems like the most appropriate answer.
C. Emphasis: Emphasis refers to creating a focal point or emphasizing a particular element in a design. The question mentions cool colors but does not highlight any specific points of emphasis.
D. Proportion: Proportion relates to the size and scale of elements in a composition. There is no direct mention of proportion in this question.

Based on the analysis, it seems like the correct answer is B. Harmony.

2. Which element of art would this tool help an artist to understand?

Again, let's analyze the question to find the correct answer.

The question refers to a tool that helps an artist understand an element of art. Each answer choice represents a different element of art:
A. Line: Line refers to a continuous mark or stroke. This tool might help an artist understand different types of lines or techniques related to drawing lines, but it doesn't specify a tool.
B. Shape: Shape refers to the visual appearance of an object or figure. The question does not specify how the tool relates to understanding shapes.
C. Color: Color refers to the hues, tints, and shades used in artwork. Since the question does not mention any specific aspect or tool relating to color, it is unclear if this is the correct answer.
D. Space: Space refers to the area between, around, above, below, or within objects. The question does not specify how the tool helps an artist understand space.

Based on the information given, it is difficult to determine the specific answer. It seems there might be missing information that relates to the tool and its purpose.

3. Which of the following principles is NOT represented in this work of art?

Similar to the previous questions, let's analyze the given information to find the correct answer.

The question asks which principle is NOT represented in the artwork. Here are the answer choices in relation to principles of design:
A. Variety: Variety refers to using different elements, styles, or techniques to add interest to a composition. Without further information about the artwork, it is unclear if variety is present or not.
B. Pattern: Pattern refers to the repetition or recurrence of elements in a consistent manner. Again, without specific information about the artwork, it is unclear if a pattern is present.
C. Emphasis: Emphasis refers to creating a focal point or highlighting a specific element. If the principle of emphasis is NOT present in the artwork, then C would be the correct answer.
D. Radial Balance: Radial balance refers to a design where elements radiate outwards from a central point. Without information about the artwork, it is unclear if this principle is present or not.

Based on the information given, it seems like the correct answer is C. Emphasis, assuming that the principle of emphasis is not represented in the artwork.

Yes, all of them are right!