Bill is making a garden that is twice as long as it is wide.

He wants to cover 288 square feet with the garden. Which
equation best represents the situation if X represents the
length of the garden?

good job guy you did so good you helped us all

Options: A. x + 1/2x = 288

B. x ยท 1/2x = 288
C. 2x = 288
D. x + 2x = 288

is it A

well i know its not c

To find the equation that represents the situation, we need to understand the relationship between the length and width of the garden.

Given that the garden is twice as long as it is wide, let's assume the width of the garden is represented by 'W'.

According to the given information, the length of the garden would be twice the width, so we can represent it as '2W'.

To find the area of the garden, we multiply the length and width.

Area = Length * Width = (2W) * W = 2W^2

Since we want to cover 288 square feet with the garden, we can set up the equation:

2W^2 = 288

Therefore, the equation that represents the situation, with 'X' representing the length of the garden, would be:

2X^2 = 288