Match the adjective to the correct sentence.

Talentosas- Paciente- Graciosa- Serios

Los amigos son ____________
La chica es ___________
Las chicas son ___________
El amigo es __________

Please dont use google translate as a spanish speaker i know that they dont translate everything exact. Use SpanishDict its really good official site

so we all here huh? we need a groupchat or something


To match the adjectives to the correct sentences, we need to understand the meanings of the adjectives and determine which sentence fits each adjective best.

1. Talentosas: This adjective means "talented" or "skillful." It describes a group of female friends.
- Sentence: "Las chicas son ___________"

2. Paciente: This adjective means "patient" or "calm." It describes one female person.
- Sentence: "La chica es ___________"

3. Graciosa: This adjective means "funny" or "humorous." It describes a female person or a group of female friends.
- Sentence: "Las chicas son ___________"

4. Serios: This adjective means "serious." It describes one male person.
- Sentence: "El amigo es __________"

Now, we can match the adjectives to the sentences:

- Talentosas: "Las chicas son talentosas"
- Paciente: "La chica es paciente"
- Graciosa: "Las chicas son graciosas"
- Serios: "El amigo es serio"

Please help with this PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Don't worry i am here for you! U can use Google Translate! It's free and online no need download AND THE BEST PART IS no ADS wow!