If the Nia middle of the circle is 12 inches and the height of the triangle is 14 inches which is closest to the area of the figure in square inches

hello child

no idea what a Nia is, but one guess would be

36π + 12*14 = ____

To find the area of the figure, we need to determine the type of figure involved. The given information mentions a middle of a circle and the height of a triangle. It seems like there is a circle with a triangle inscribed in it.

Let's break down the steps to calculate the area of the figure:

Step 1: Find the radius of the circle.
The "middle" of the circle mentioned in the question likely refers to the circle's diameter. The diameter is twice the radius. Since the diameter is not given, we need to divide the given value by 2.
Radius (r) = Diameter / 2
Radius (r) = 12 inches / 2
Radius (r) = 6 inches

Step 2: Calculate the area of the circle.
The formula to find the area of a circle is:
Area of circle = π * r^2
Area of circle = 3.14 * (6 inches)^2
Area of circle ≈ 3.14 * 36 square inches
Area of circle ≈ 113.04 square inches

Step 3: Calculate the area of the triangle.
The triangle mentioned in the question has a height of 14 inches. However, we need to determine the base of the triangle to calculate its area.

Unfortunately, the question doesn't provide any information about the base length of the triangle. Without the base, we cannot compute the area of the triangle accurately.

Hence, we can only determine the area of the circle, which is approximately 113.04 square inches.