Miguel has 325 baseball cards and 272 football cards. He said he has 597 cards in all. Is his answer reasonable? Explain

yes 300+300 = 600

To determine if Miguel's answer is reasonable, we can verify it by performing the addition of the number of baseball cards and football cards he claimed to have.

Number of baseball cards = 325
Number of football cards = 272

According to Miguel, the total number of cards is 597.

So, let's add the number of baseball and football cards:

325 + 272 = 597

As the result matches the total number of cards he claimed to have, we can conclude that Miguel's answer is reasonable.

To determine if Miguel's answer is reasonable, we can perform a quick calculation. Miguel claims to have a total of 597 cards, which is the sum of his baseball cards and football cards.

To verify his answer, we can add up the number of baseball cards (325) and the number of football cards (272). If the total matches Miguel's claim of 597 cards, then his answer is reasonable.

Adding 325 and 272 gives us a total of 597, which is exactly what Miguel said he had. Therefore, we can conclude that his answer is indeed reasonable.