A baker baked 240 tarts. The ratio of the number of chocolate tarts to the number of strawberry tarts was 4:1. He gave an equal number of chocolate and strawberry tarts away and had 7 times as many chocolate tarts as strawberry tarts left. How many tarts did he give away?

not so. I think you got your variables mixed up.

check your answer.

c+s = 240

c = 4s
(c-x) = 7(s-x)
solve for x

To solve this problem, we need to break it down into steps. Let's start by finding the number of chocolate and strawberry tarts originally baked.

1. Let's assume the number of chocolate tarts baked is 4x.
- The ratio of chocolate tarts to strawberry tarts is given as 4:1.
- So, the number of chocolate tarts = 4 * (number of strawberry tarts) = 4x.

2. We know that the total number of tarts baked is 240, so we can write an equation:
- Number of chocolate tarts + Number of strawberry tarts = Total number of tarts
- 4x + x = 240
- 5x = 240
- x = 48

3. Now that we have the value of x, we can find the number of chocolate and strawberry tarts:
- Number of chocolate tarts = 4x = 4 * 48 = 192
- Number of strawberry tarts = x = 48

4. The baker gave away an equal number of chocolate and strawberry tarts. Let's assume the number of tarts given away is y.

5. After giving away tarts, the baker had 7 times as many chocolate tarts as strawberry tarts left:
- Number of chocolate tarts left = 192 - y
- Number of strawberry tarts left = 48 - y
- 192 - y = 7 * (48 - y)

6. We can now solve this equation to find the value of y:
- 192 - y = 336 - 7y
- 6y = 144
- y = 24

Therefore, the baker gave away 24 tarts.

He gave away 48 tarts.