What takes place when heat energy is added to a liquid?

A) The particles will increase in speed/temperature, and will eventually reach a point where they can change phases to a gas.

B) The particles will increase in speed/temperature and eventually will reach a point where it will change phase into a solid.

C) The particles will increase in energy, but decrease in speed, causing it to slow down and become a solid.

D) The particles will decrease in energy, but increase in temperature, creating a gas.

a is the best choice

Which one is right?

It is A

The correct answer is A) The particles will increase in speed/temperature, and will eventually reach a point where they can change phases to a gas.

When heat energy is added to a liquid, the temperature of the liquid increases. This increase in temperature causes the particles in the liquid to gain kinetic energy, which means they move faster. As the particles move faster, the intermolecular forces holding them together weaken, which allows them to overcome those forces and change into a gas phase. This process is known as vaporization or evaporation.

To understand this concept, you can perform an experiment to observe the phase change of a liquid. Take a container with a liquid, such as water, and start heating it. As heat is added, you will notice the temperature of the liquid increasing on a thermometer. As the liquid gets hotter, you may start seeing bubbles forming, which indicates the formation of gas particles escaping from the liquid. Eventually, if you continue heating, all the liquid will turn into a gas, completing the phase change.

It's important to note that this phase change occurs at a specific temperature called the boiling point. At this temperature, the liquid transforms into a gas phase throughout the entire volume of the liquid. However, before reaching the boiling point, the liquid can also undergo partial vaporization or evaporation, where only the surface molecules gain enough energy to escape into the gas phase.