A baseball team won 16 and 24 games in the first season in several seasons combined and they won 36 games. How many games did they play in the combined seasons?

x/36 = 16/24

Can you please explain how got this? Also there was an error it's 16 of 24 not 16 and 24 games.

I mean by, I don't understand how you got this answer. Can you perhaps explain this question?

I do not understand the question.

To find the total number of games played in the combined seasons, we need to add the number of games won in each season.

In the first season, the team won 16 games. In the second season, the team won 24 games. So, in total, they won 16 + 24 = 40 games.

However, we are given that the team won a total of 36 games in the combined seasons. This means there must have been some losses as well.

To find the total number of games played in the combined seasons, we need to subtract the number of losses from the total number of games won.

Total games played = Total games won + Total games lost

Total games played = 36 + (40 - 36) = 36 + 4 = 40

Therefore, the team played a total of 40 games in the combined seasons.