What approaches can be used to revert oobleck back to its original state?

To revert oobleck back to its original state, we can use a couple of approaches. Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid made from a mixture of cornstarch and water, which exhibits properties of both a liquid and a solid. It becomes solid when force is applied to it but turns back into a liquid when the force is removed. Here are two methods to revert oobleck back to its original state:

1. Decrease the force applied: The simplest way to make oobleck return to its liquid state is by reducing the force exerted on it. If you are playing with oobleck, stop poking, pressing, or squeezing it, and let it rest undisturbed. Over time, the oobleck will start flowing and regain its liquid-like property.

2. Dilute with water: Another approach is to dilute the oobleck with water. Start by adding small amounts of water to the oobleck and stir the mixture thoroughly. Gradually increase the amount of water until the mixture reaches its original liquid consistency. It's essential to add water slowly and stir continuously to help break down the starch particles and facilitate the transformation into a liquid.

Remember, oobleck is a temporary mixture, and it's normal for it to dry out over time. If it becomes too dry or clumpy, you can also add water gradually until it reaches the desired consistency.