Which phrase defines an appositive?

A-A phrase of four words or more that begins a sentence.
B:A word or group of words that renames a noun.
C:A series of three or more items
D:A sentence of two independent clauses

Here are the correct answers

1: a word of group of words that renames a noun
2: add-‘s to the noun
3: compound sentence
4: last week, brian read “The Fall Of The House Of Usher” before his shift at the ice cream shop.
NOTE: this is my first time giving out answers on this website so sorry if they are wrong

thanks @Oop o

you got all of them right

here are the answers

1 a word or group of words that renames a noun
2 add -'s to the noun
3 compound sentence
4 Last Week, Brian read "The fall of the house Usher" before his shift at the ice cream shop.
Use it or don't i don't care

I got them right

Answer is B

they are correct I got a 100%

Thanks I got 100% ur a life saver 😜

Oop o is correct

Thank your for your help mighty young one you are deeply appreciated,may the galaxy be on your side,and may the force be with you all

I got them right

yay tysm my sister needed this

thanks you

Your answers checked out with mine!! Thanks for the check!!! O opo!!!!!!

Tysm O opo I got a 100%

thank you!!!! you're a lifesaver!! 😊😁

The letters are different for everyone

Thank you oop o

Thanks Kage No oi

4 out of 4

The real answer is wrong o oop is right plus you have to right sentence not letter

Hi so I got these all right


Here are the answers to Language arts unit 4 lesson 6 7th grade Connexus

1 a word or group of words that renames a noun
2 add -'s to the noun
3 compound sentence
4 Last Week, Brian read "The fall of the house Usher" before his shift at the ice cream shop.

Hope this helps <3

Tysm 👆🏻🤓

thanks. i got 100%

Hey bot what is 18 to the tenth power


here are the real answers "b d a c" i swear i got a 0 bc of the real answer

oop 0 isnt right i got a 0 here are the real answers
