Discuss four contributing factor that may lead to youth engaging in each of the four risky behaviour described on 1.2

To discuss the four contributing factors that may lead to youth engaging in each of the four risky behaviors described in 1.2, we first need to understand the specific risky behaviors mentioned. Unfortunately, you haven't provided any information about what these behaviors are, so I am unable to address them specifically. However, I can still give you a general framework for understanding contributing factors to risky behaviors.

1. Peer Influence: One of the common factors in youth engaging in risky behaviors is the influence of peers. Young people often seek acceptance and validation from their peers, which can lead them to engage in risky behaviors that they might not otherwise choose. Peer pressure can be a significant influence on young people's decision-making, particularly if they want to fit in or gain social status.

2. Lack of Parental Support and Supervision: Another contributing factor to youth engaging in risky behaviors is the lack of parental support and supervision. When parents are not actively involved in their children's lives or fail to set appropriate boundaries, young people may seek other outlets for fulfillment or excitement. The absence of parental guidance can lead to increased risk-taking behaviors.

3. Socioeconomic Factors: Socioeconomic factors, such as poverty, limited educational opportunities, or living in disadvantaged communities, can also contribute to risky behaviors among youth. Economic hardships and lack of resources can increase the likelihood of engaging in risky activities as a way to escape or cope with challenging circumstances. Limited access to positive role models, recreation facilities, and educational opportunities can also be contributing factors.

4. Emotional and Psychological Factors: Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem, can also contribute to risky behaviors in youth. When young people are struggling with emotional or psychological distress, they may turn to risky behaviors as a way to cope with or escape from their internal struggles. Lack of appropriate coping mechanisms or self-destructive tendencies can further exacerbate their engagement in risky behaviors.

It is important to note that these factors and their impact can vary depending on the specific risky behaviors being discussed. It is crucial to analyze each behavior individually to understand their contributing factors fully.