If the time at village A(longitude 75' W) is 5:00 pm on Friday, calculate the time and day at village B(longitude 120' E).

To calculate the time and day at village B, we need to consider the time difference caused by the difference in longitudes.

The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, with each time zone covering approximately 15 degrees of longitude. Since there are 360 degrees of longitude in total, each time zone represents a difference of 1 hour from the neighboring time zones.

First, we need to determine the time difference between the two villages. Given that village A is at longitude 75'W and village B is at longitude 120'E, we can calculate the total longitude difference between them:

Greatest Western Longitude (180°W) - Village A Longitude (75°W) = 105°
Village B Longitude (120°E) + Greatest Eastern Longitude (180°E) = 300°

Adding the total longitude difference together:
105° + 300° = 405°

Now, we need to convert this total longitude difference into hours. Since each time zone represents 15 degrees or 1 hour, we divide the total longitude difference by 15:

405° / 15 = 27 hours

Therefore, village B is ahead of village A by 27 hours.

To find the time and day at village B, we add the time difference to the current time at village A.

Friday, 5:00 pm + 27 hours = Saturday, 8:00 pm

So, at village B (longitude 120' E), the time would be 8:00 pm on Saturday.