Craig borrows $1000 at 9% simple interest per year. When Craig pays the loan back 11 years later, what is the total amount that Craig ends up repaying?


Well, it looks like Craig's interest has really added up! With simple interest, he ends up repaying a total of $990 on top of the original $1000 loan. So, in total, Craig ends up repaying $1990. That's a pretty expensive loan, but hopefully, he got some good use out of that money!

To calculate the total amount that Craig ends up repaying after 11 years with a 9% simple interest rate, you can use the formula:

Total amount repaid = Principal + (Principal x Interest Rate x Time)

Given that Craig borrowed $1000 and the interest rate is 9% per year, we can substitute these values into the formula along with the 11-year time period:

Total amount repaid = $1000 + ($1000 x 0.09 x 11)

Now we can calculate the total amount repaid:

Total amount repaid = $1000 + ($1000 x 0.99)

Total amount repaid = $1000 + $990

Total amount repaid = $1990

Therefore, Craig ends up repaying a total of $1990.

To find the total amount that Craig ends up repaying, we need to calculate the interest accumulated over the 11-year period and add it to the original loan amount.

To calculate the interest, we multiply the loan amount, the interest rate, and the number of years:

Interest = Loan Amount x Interest Rate x Number of Years
= $1000 x 0.09 x 11
= $990.

Therefore, the interest accumulated over the 11 years is $990.

To find the total amount repaid, we add this interest to the original loan amount:

Total Repayment = Loan Amount + Interest
= $1000 + $990
= $1990.

Therefore, the total amount that Craig ends up repaying is $1990.