Place the following words in the correct order :rdenadas personas gustan muy y las inteligentes Me:

I have no idea.

"Me gustan las personas muy inteligentes y ordenadas"

good luck on you works :)

Thank youuu

thank you

To arrange the words "rdenadas personas gustan muy y las inteligentes Me" in the correct order, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the key parts of the sentence: "Me" indicates the subject of the sentence, "gustan" indicates the verb, and "rdenadas personas" and "las inteligentes" indicate the objects.

2. Rearrange the objects: Place "rdenadas personas" before "las inteligentes" to form "rdenadas personas las inteligentes."

3. Position the subject and verb: Place "Me" before "gustan" to form "Me gustan."

4. Place the object phrase after the subject and verb: Combine the subject and verb with the object phrase, resulting in "Me gustan rdenadas personas las inteligentes."

Therefore, the correct order is "Me gustan rdenadas personas las inteligentes."