Relative to the origin O, two points A and B have position vectors a and b respectively. A line, l, passes through A and is parallel to b. It is given that b is a unit vector.

(i) Write down a vector equation of l. Show that the position vector of the point N on l such that the length |ON| is the shortest is given by a-(a.b)b.

(ii) The point M is on AN produced such that kAN = NM, where k is a constant. Given that the position of M is a-5(a.b)b, find k.

It is given that |a|=2 and a.b=1/3.

(iii) Give the geometric meaning of |b x (a-b)| and find its exact value.

(iv) C is a point such that OC bisects the angle AOB. Write down, in terms of a and b, a possible position vector of C.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :)

(i) To find a vector equation of line l passing through point A and parallel to vector b, we can use the parametric form of a vector equation. Let's call the position vector of point N as r. Since line l is parallel to vector b, we can express r in terms of parameter t as:

r = a + tb

To find the position vector of point N such that |ON| is the shortest, we need to minimize the distance between the origin O and the point N. The shortest distance between a point and a line is along the perpendicular from the point to the line. So, we want to find the value of t that makes the length of the projection of vector ON onto vector b equal to zero.

Let's calculate the projection of vector ON onto vector b:

Projection of ON onto b = (a + tb) . b

Since b is a unit vector, the magnitude of b is 1. Therefore, the projection simplifies to:

Projection of ON onto b = (a + tb) . b = a.b + t(b . b) = a.b + t(1)

To find the shortest |ON|, we set the projection equal to zero:

a.b + t(1) = 0

Solving for t:

t = -a.b / (1)

Substituting this value of t back into the equation r = a + tb:

r = a - (a.b)b

So, the position vector of the point N on line l such that the length |ON| is the shortest is given by a - (a.b)b.

(ii) Given that the position of point M is a - 5(a.b)b, and we know that kAN = NM, we can determine the value of k by comparing the lengths of vectors AN and NM.

Length of AN = |a - (a.b)b|

Length of NM = |(a - 5(a.b)b) - (a - (a.b)b)| = |4(a.b)b|

Since kAN = NM, we have:

k|a - (a.b)b| = |4(a.b)b|

Dividing both sides by |a - (a.b)b|:

k = |4(a.b)b| / |a - (a.b)b|

Given that |a| = 2 and a.b = 1/3, substituting these values:

k = |4(1/3)b| / |a - (1/3)b|

Since b is a unit vector, its magnitude is 1. Therefore, k simplifies to:

k = (4/3) / |a - (1/3)b|

(iii) The expression |b x (a - b)| represents the magnitude of the cross product between vectors b and (a - b). Geometrically, the magnitude of the cross product represents the area of the parallelogram formed by the two vectors. So, |b x (a - b)| represents the area of the parallelogram formed by vectors b and (a - b).

To find its exact value, we can calculate the cross product:

b x (a - b) = |b||a - b| sin(θ) n

Where θ is the angle between vectors b and (a - b), and n is the unit vector perpendicular to the plane formed by b and (a - b).

Since b is a unit vector, |b| = 1. Similarly, |a - b| represents the magnitude of vector a - b.

Therefore, |b x (a - b)| = |a - b| sin(θ)

(iv) To find a possible position vector of point C, such that OC bisects the angle AOB, we can use the angle bisector theorem. According to the theorem, the position vector of C can be calculated as:

C = (|OB| * A + |OA| * B) / (|OB| + |OA|)

Since |b| = 1, we can substitute |OB| = 1 into the equation:

C = (1 * A + |OA| * B) / (1 + |OA|)

Given that |OA| = |a| = 2, we have:

C = (A + 2B) / 3

Therefore, a possible position vector of C is (A + 2B) / 3, where A and B are the position vectors of points A and B relative to the origin O, respectively.