on which point did all european powers agree

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On which point did all European powers agree? (1 point)


An explorer could claim any land he stepped foot on
An explorer could claim any land he stepped foot on

Native Americans held no claim to the land in the New World
Native Americans held no claim to the land in the New World

Countries could not lay claim to any land in the New World
Countries could not lay claim to any land in the New World

Explorers could only claim land in the New World Temporarily


To determine a specific point on which all European powers agreed, we would need more context or a specific historical event. However, throughout history, European powers have occasionally come to agreements on various matters through treaties, conferences, or alliances. These agreements covered a wide range of topics such as trade, borders, military cooperation, and political alliances.

For example, the Congress of Vienna in 1815 sought to restore stability to Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. The major European powers, including Austria, Prussia, Russia, and the United Kingdom, agreed on a set of principles to redraw the map of Europe and maintain a balance of power. These principles included the restoration of legitimate monarchies, territorial adjustments, and suppressing revolutionary movements.

Another significant example is the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, which established the European Economic Community (EEC), a precursor to the European Union (EU). The six founding members, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, agreed to establish a common market, promote economic cooperation, and gradually integrate their national economies.

However, it is essential to note that European powers have also disagreed on numerous issues throughout history. Conflicts and disagreements among European powers have shaped the continent's history, whether it be through territorial disputes, ideological differences, or competition for resources and power.