A jumbo jet taxiing down the runway receives word that it must return to the gate to pick up an important passenger who was late to his connecting flight. The jet is traveling at 48 m/s when the pilot receives the message. What is the acceleration of the plane if it takes the pilot 6.52 s to bring the plane to a halt? (answer needs to be negative)

What is the answer

a = ∆v/∆t = (-48 m/s)/(6.52 s) = -7.36 m/s^2

To find the acceleration of the plane, we can use the equation:

acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

Initial velocity (v0) = 48 m/s (since the jet is traveling at this speed)
Final velocity (v) = 0 m/s (since the jet comes to a halt)
Time (t) = 6.52 s

Substituting the values into the equation:

acceleration = (0 m/s - 48 m/s) / 6.52 s


acceleration = (-48 m/s) / 6.52 s

acceleration ≈ -7.36 m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the plane is approximately -7.36 m/s². The negative sign indicates that the acceleration is in the opposite direction of the initial velocity, which means the plane is slowing down.

To find the acceleration of the plane, we can use the formula:

acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

Given that the initial velocity of the plane is 48 m/s and the final velocity is 0 m/s (as the plane comes to a halt), and the time taken to stop is 6.52 seconds, we can substitute these values into the formula:

acceleration = (0 - 48) / 6.52

Now, calculating the numerator of the formula:

acceleration = (-48) / 6.52

Finally, performing the division:

acceleration ≈ -7.36 m/s^2

So, the acceleration of the plane is approximately -7.36 m/s^2 (negative).