Which sentence BEST describes the role of mercantilism in the growth of transatlantic trade during the 1600s?

European countries cooperated in the shipment and exchange of goods.

European countries cooperated in the shipment and exchange of goods.

English settlements hoped to encourage commerce among the colonies.

English settlements hoped to encourage commerce among the colonies.

Colonies along the coast grew wealthy through shipbuilding industries.

Colonies along the coast grew wealthy through shipbuilding industries.

England wanted to expand its wealth through exports to the colonies.

The sentence that BEST describes the role of mercantilism in the growth of transatlantic trade during the 1600s is "England wanted to expand its wealth through exports to the colonies."

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the different options:

Option 1: "European countries cooperated in the shipment and exchange of goods." While it is true that European countries were involved in trade during this time period, it does not specifically address the role of mercantilism in the growth of transatlantic trade.

Option 2: "English settlements hoped to encourage commerce among the colonies." This option focuses more on intra-colonial trade rather than the transatlantic trade that mercantilism aimed to promote.

Option 3: "Colonies along the coast grew wealthy through shipbuilding industries." Although the colonies did benefit from shipbuilding, this option does not address the role of mercantilism in transatlantic trade.

Option 4: "England wanted to expand its wealth through exports to the colonies." This option captures the essence of mercantilism, where England's objective was to accumulate wealth through exporting goods to its colonies. This aligns with the principles of mercantilism, which sought to maximize the country's trade surplus and accumulation of precious metals.

Therefore, the sentence "England wanted to expand its wealth through exports to the colonies" BEST describes the role of mercantilism in the growth of transatlantic trade during the 1600s.