Evaluate the impact of risky behaviour on your personal expectations in relation to the career you want to follow

To evaluate the impact of risky behavior on your personal expectations in relation to the career you want to pursue, you would need to consider several factors. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Identify the risky behavior: Start by recognizing the specific risky behaviors you engage in, such as substance abuse, unhealthy lifestyle choices, financial recklessness, or engaging in illegal activities. These behaviors can have detrimental effects on your personal and professional life.

2. Determine the consequences: Next, analyze the potential consequences of these risky behaviors. Consider how they can impact your physical and mental health, your relationships, your reputation, and your ability to achieve your career goals. For example, substance abuse can lead to health problems, poor decision-making, and a damaged professional image.

3. Assess the impact on your career expectations: Examine how risky behavior can affect your career aspirations. Evaluate whether your actions align with the values, skills, and traits necessary for success in your desired field. For instance, if your career requires a high level of professionalism and reliability, engaging in risky behavior may undermine your ability to be taken seriously by employers or potential clients.

4. Consider opportunities and advancement: Reflect on the potential opportunities and advancement you may miss out on due to risky behavior. Explore how it can limit your networking opportunities, job prospects, promotions, or chances of securing important projects. Risky behavior can create a negative perception that hinders your career growth.

5. Explore alternative paths: Finally, consider alternative routes and strategies to mitigate the impact of risky behavior on your career expectations. This could involve seeking professional help to overcome addiction, adopting healthier habits and lifestyle choices, attending relevant training programs or workshops, or building a support system to guide you towards a more positive professional trajectory.

Remember, the evaluation process is highly personal, and its outcomes will depend on your specific circumstances. It's important to be honest with yourself and take responsibility for your actions to make positive changes that align with your career aspirations.