Select a company of your choice in a sector that you would like to work in. Imagine that you have to make a brief presentation on this company to business school students. Develop –

a) A general and specific statement of purpose
b) The key idea
c) Your style of delivery.

Company: Tesla Inc.

a) General statement of purpose: The general statement of purpose for the presentation on Tesla Inc. would be to provide business school students with an overview of the company's operations, its unique positioning in the market, and the key factors that have contributed to its success.

Specific statement of purpose: The specific statement of purpose would be to inspire and educate students about the innovative practices and disruptive strategies employed by Tesla Inc., as well as to highlight the significant impact it has made in the automotive and clean energy sectors.

b) Key idea: The key idea of the presentation would focus on Tesla's pioneering efforts in electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing, sustainable energy solutions, and their vision for a sustainable future. This key idea would encompass topics such as technological advancements, market disruption, competitive advantage, and the importance of environmental sustainability.

c) Style of delivery: To effectively engage and captivate the audience, the style of delivery for this presentation could include:

1. Visual aids: Utilize appealing visuals, such as charts, graphs, and images, to accompany the presentation and help illustrate key points and data.
2. Storytelling approach: Incorporate anecdotes and stories about Tesla's journey, including challenges faced, milestones achieved, and breakthrough innovations. This will make the presentation more relatable and memorable.
3. Interactive elements: Encourage audience participation by asking questions, conducting polls, or incorporating interactive exercises to create an engaging and dynamic session.
4. Multimedia elements: Use videos, audio clips, or animations to bring Tesla's products, manufacturing processes, and sustainable initiatives to life.
5. Clear and concise communication: Present information in a clear and concise manner, avoiding technical jargon, to ensure that the content is easily understandable by students from diverse backgrounds.
6. Enthusiasm and passion: Showcase genuine enthusiasm for Tesla's accomplishments and its potential impact on the world. Passionate delivery can help create an engaging atmosphere and inspire students' interest in the company and the sector.

Remember, it is important to adapt the presentation to the specific audience and occasion, making sure to deliver key messages effectively while keeping the audience engaged.