of 100 children in grades 5 and 6, three-quarters have pets; 40 children have a dog, and 18 children have a cat. how many children have other kinds of pet

3/4 of 100 = 75 have pets

40+18 = 58 have cats or dogs
so ...

To find out how many children have other kinds of pets, you need to determine the number of children who have either a dog or a cat and subtract that number from the total number of children.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Find the number of children who have either a dog or a cat.
Since 40 children have a dog and 18 children have a cat, you can find the total number of children who have either a dog or a cat by adding those numbers together:
40 + 18 = 58

Step 2: Calculate the difference between the total number of children (100) and the number of children who have either a dog or a cat (58).
100 - 58 = 42

Therefore, there are 42 children who have other kinds of pets.

So, in conclusion, there are 42 children out of the 100 children in grades 5 and 6 who have other kinds of pets.