Malcom and Jessi shared $720 in the ratio of 11:13 respectively.

a. How much money did Malcom receive? [2]
b. How much more money did Jessi receive than Malcom?

720 = 24*30 = (11+13)*30

(a) Malcom got 11*30 = 330
(b) Jessi got 720-(330+330) = 60 more than Malcom

Malcom and Jessi shared $720 in the ratio of 11:13 respectively.

a. How much money did Malcom receive?

Three girls shared a sum of money in the ratio 2:5:8, the girl with the most got

$120. How much was the initial sum of money?

a. To find out how much money Malcom received, we need to divide the total amount ($720) by the sum of the ratio (11+13=24). So, Malcom received 720/24 = $<<720/24=30>>30.

b. To find out how much more money Jessi received than Malcom, we subtract the amount Malcom received from the amount Jessi received. Jessi received 13 times the amount Malcom received, so Jessi received 13 * 30 = $<<13*30=390>>390. Therefore, Jessi received 390 - 30 = $<<390-30=360>>360 more than Malcom.

To find the amount of money Malcom received, we first need to calculate the total ratio of the two people. The given ratio is 11:13, which means there are 11 + 13 = 24 parts in total.

a. To determine how much money Malcom received, we need to divide the total amount of money shared ($720) by the total number of parts (24) and then multiply it by the number of parts corresponding to Malcom's share (11).

Malcom's share = ($720 / 24) x 11
Malcom's share = $30 x 11
Malcom's share = $330

Therefore, Malcom received $330.

b. To calculate how much more money Jessi received compared to Malcom, we need to subtract Malcom's share from Jessi's share.

Jessi's share = ($720 / 24) x 13
Jessi's share = $30 x 13
Jessi's share = $390

Difference in their shares = Jessi's share - Malcom's share
Difference in their shares = $390 - $330
Difference in their shares = $60

Therefore, Jessi received $60 more than Malcom.