Which of these writing situations requires you to use standard English?

a list of reasons why you should have a dog.

an application to join a sports team

a birthday card for your mom

a sign for your lemonade stand

An application to join a sports team

wats anser

Lemonnade stand sign

Which of these writing situations requires you to use standard English?

a list of reasons why you should have a dog.

an application to join a sports team

a birthday card for your mom

a sign for your lemonade stand

To determine which writing situation requires the use of standard English, let's break down each situation and consider the appropriate usage:

1. A list of reasons why you should have a dog:
While it's important to communicate clearly in any piece of writing, a list of reasons may be less formal than other situations. It usually allows for more flexibility in language use, including the use of colloquial expressions or less formal language. In this case, standard English might not be strictly necessary.

2. An application to join a sports team:
An application typically requires a formal and professional tone. When applying to join a sports team, it is important to convey your qualifications, skills, and enthusiasm in a clear and appropriate manner. This situation strongly calls for the use of standard English to present yourself professionally and effectively.

3. A birthday card for your mom:
Writing a birthday card for your mom typically allows for a more personal and informal style. While the content can vary depending on your relationship, it generally does not require strict adherence to standard English. You can use personal expressions and customize your message to match your mom's preferences.

4. A sign for your lemonade stand:
A sign is typically a brief, informative message intended to catch people's attention. While standard English is generally expected for public communication, the specific language used on a sign can be more flexible. The primary focus is to convey the intended message clearly, so the use of standard English may not be absolutely necessary.

In conclusion, the writing situation that requires the use of standard English is an application to join a sports team.