Types of risky behaviour amongst the youth by their example

Risky behavior among youth can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances and cultural factors. Here is a list of common types of risky behavior among youth, along with some examples:

1. Substance abuse: This includes underage drinking, smoking, and drug use. For example, experimenting with drugs like marijuana or participating in binge drinking.

2. Unsafe sexual behavior: Engaging in unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, or not seeking medical advice or contraceptives. For example, having unprotected sex with casual partners or not using condoms consistently.

3. Reckless driving: Engaging in dangerous driving behaviors, such as speeding, not wearing seat belts, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. For example, street racing, texting while driving, or driving with impaired judgment.

4. Cyberbullying: Harassing, intimidating, or threatening others online, often through social media platforms or messaging apps. For example, spreading rumors, making hurtful comments, or sharing compromising images without consent.

5. Self-harm or suicide: Engaging in self-destructive actions like cutting, burning, or other forms of self-injury, or having suicidal thoughts. For example, intentionally cutting oneself to cope with emotional pain or expressing thoughts of suicide.

6. Gang involvement: Participating in criminal activities or affiliating with gangs, often involving violence, drug dealing, or other illegal actions. For example, joining a gang and engaging in fights or drug trafficking.

7. Extreme sports and thrill-seeking: Engaging in high-risk activities that can lead to injuries or even death, such as base jumping, parkour, or extreme skateboarding. For example, attempting dangerous stunts without proper training or safety precautions.

It is essential to note that these examples are not exhaustive, and the prevalence of risky behaviors may vary between different communities and societies.