Analyze how a certain theme from America’s literary history is shown through two different works and authors.

Choose a theme from the following list:
• religion and faith
• community and responsibility
• the American Dream
• disillusionment of man
• the meaning of freedom
• the journey to identity.

The stories we've read in this unit are:
• In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway
• The Chrysan

In order to analyze a theme from America's literary history shown through two different works and authors, first, we need to select a theme from the given list: religion and faith, community and responsibility, the American Dream, disillusionment of man, the meaning of freedom, or the journey to identity.

Let's choose the theme of the American Dream.

Now, let's take a closer look at the two works and authors mentioned:

1. "In Another Country" by Ernest Hemingway: This short story was written by the renowned American author Ernest Hemingway. It was published in 1927 and explores the experiences of an American soldier wounded in World War I, who finds himself in a hospital in Milan, Italy.

2. "The Chrysanthemums" by John Steinbeck: Written by John Steinbeck, one of America's renowned authors, this short story was published in 1937. It tells the story of Elisa Allen, a woman living in the Salinas Valley, California, during the Great Depression. Elisa is depicted as a strong and talented woman with unfulfilled dreams.

To analyze how the theme of the American Dream is shown through these works, we need to examine how each author explores the concept within their respective stories. The American Dream often symbolizes the pursuit of success, upward mobility, and the attainment of a better life. It represents the belief that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve their goals and find happiness and prosperity.

In "In Another Country," Hemingway delves into the disillusionment aspect of the American Dream through the experiences of the wounded soldier. He portrays the soldier's struggle to find meaning and purpose in a world that seems to have turned its back on him. The soldier's dreams of heroism and validation are shattered, highlighting the idea that the American Dream may not always be attainable for everyone, especially in the context of war and its aftermath.

On the other hand, in "The Chrysanthemums," Steinbeck examines the unfulfilled dreams of Elisa Allen, a woman confined to a limited role in society during the Great Depression. Through Elisa's passion for gardening and her desire to break free from the constraints imposed on her by her gender and societal expectations, Steinbeck explores the limitations placed on individuals in their pursuit of the American Dream. Elisa's dreams and aspirations are suppressed due to societal norms, suggesting that the American Dream can be elusive for certain groups of people in specific contexts.

To compare these two works, you could analyze how both Hemingway and Steinbeck tackle the concept of the American Dream by portraying characters who face disillusionment or unfulfilled dreams. Additionally, you could discuss how their different time periods, settings, and societal contexts influence their perspectives on the American Dream.

In conclusion, analyzing the theme of the American Dream through "In Another Country" by Ernest Hemingway and "The Chrysanthemums" by John Steinbeck can provide insight into how these authors explored the concept of success, disillusionment, and unfulfilled dreams within the American context.