which principle of government helped spur the development of new government systems based on laws and not on the opinions of individuals

i need help on this too :(

1. C: rules of law

2. B: civil rights
3. A: oligarchy
4. C: philosopher-kings
im 100% sure

The principle of government that helped spur the development of new government systems based on laws and not on the opinions of individuals is the principle of the rule of law.

The rule of law is the concept that all individuals and entities, including government officials, are subject to and accountable to the law. It implies that laws are clear, consistent, and applied equally to all members of society. Under the rule of law, no one is above the law, and the exercise of governmental power is constrained by legal limitations.

To understand how the rule of law helped spur the development of government systems based on laws rather than individual opinions, we need to explore its historical origins. Historically, many societies were ruled by authoritarian or autocratic systems where the ruler's will was the law. Decisions were often arbitrary and based on the ruler's personal opinions or desires. This led to a lack of predictability, fairness, and justice in governance.

The rule of law emerged as a response to this problem. It emphasizes that laws should be enacted through a legitimate and democratic process, ensuring that they reflect the collective will of society rather than the arbitrary opinions of individuals. By establishing a clear framework of laws, societies can operate based on established rules that are predictable and consistent.

As societies began to adopt the rule of law, it became a fundamental principle underlying the development of new government systems. This principle influenced the drafting of constitutions and the establishment of legal frameworks that limit government power, protect individual rights, and ensure the fair and equal treatment of all citizens. It created a shift from systems centered around the opinions or whims of individuals to systems based on the objective application of laws.

In conclusion, the principle of the rule of law helped spur the development of government systems based on laws and not on the opinions of individuals. It ensured that laws were enacted through a democratic process, constrained the exercise of governmental power, and promoted fairness, predictability, and justice in governance.