Evil is represented by the black knight in this story. Do you think evil is to be necessarily represented by 'black'?

Probably not, but the night is perceived to be full of unseen danger, so black (or lack of light) is commonly used as dangerous or evil.

I don't think because the colors doesn't shows the appearance of the knight, it only change their looks from outside not of inside.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, it's important to note that the association of evil with the color black is a common cultural trope that has been perpetuated in various forms of storytelling throughout history. This representation is not universal, and different cultures may have different symbolic associations. It's essential to recognize that these representations can vary and that assigning a specific color to represent evil may oversimplify the complexity of moral concepts. Ultimately, the choice of representation is subjective and dependent on cultural context, personal perspectives, and individual interpretations.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide some insights on the matter. The association of evil with the color black can be traced back to various cultural and historical factors. In many cultures, darkness and the color black have been metaphorically associated with negative characteristics or concepts. This association is often rooted in visual symbolism, literature, and art, where colors are commonly used to convey certain emotions or ideas.

It's important to note that these associations may vary across different cultures and contexts. The interpretation of colors can be subjective and can change over time. In modern society, there is a growing emphasis on inclusivity and diversity, which challenges the traditional stereotypes associated with colors.

It is essential to approach these associations with an open mind and recognize that they are not universal or fixed representations. The perception of evil or any concept often depends on cultural, historical, and personal factors.