Explain the role of the mirror in the story.State any two events from the story to support your answer!

Still no story.

This is the worst algebra word problem I have ever seen.

Mirror can reflect ourself wheather we were white or not

I'm sorry, I cannot understand what you are trying to say. Can you please provide more context or rephrase your statement?

In order to explain the role of the mirror in a story, we first need to have some context about the story itself. Please provide me with the name of the story or some brief details about it.

However, in a general sense, mirrors can play various roles in stories depending on the context, symbolism, or themes the author aims to convey. Here are two possible roles a mirror might have in a story, along with corresponding events:

1. Reflection of Self: Mirrors are often used as a tool to reflect a character's true self or to depict their inner struggles. For example, let's consider a story where the protagonist, Amanda, is going through a period of self-discovery and finding her identity. Throughout the story, there are several instances where Amanda looks at herself in the mirror, analyzing her appearance and searching for answers. These moments of introspection showcase the mirror's role in helping Amanda reflect on her personal journey.

2. Gateway to Another World: In some stories, mirrors are portrayed as portals to alternate dimensions or magical realms. In this scenario, the mirror acts as a catalyst for the protagonist's adventure. As an example, let's assume the story revolves around a young girl named Mia who discovers an ancient mirror in her grandmother's attic. One day, while gazing into the mirror, she is unexpectedly transported to a fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, where she embarks on a quest to save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer. This event demonstrates the mirror's role as a key element in the story's premise and advancement.

Remember, these examples are just possibilities, and the exact role of the mirror would depend on the specific story you have in mind. If you provide more details about the story, I can give you a more tailored response.