1. Which of the following are the state of being verbs?

A. was
B. are
C. is
D. all of the above

2. What is a non manual marker?
A. ASL sentence structure
B. facial expressions and body movement
C. signs that are drawn
D. all of the above

“I am not sick”
3. What is the correct ASL format of the sentence above?
A. I SICK. (shake head from side to side)
B. SICK I AM. (shake head from side to side)
C. I SICK. (nod head up and down)

4. Which of the following is a non manual marker for forming a question with the state of being verb?

A. shaking your head back and forth and frowning
B. raising your eyebrows and tilting your head forward a bit
C. nodding your head up and down smiling


1 all above

2 facial expressions and body movement
3 I SICK shake head from side to side
4 raising your eyebrows

@JP is 100% correct

1. D. all of the above - Because being a state of being is a serious business!

2. B. facial expressions and body movement - A non-manual marker is like jazz hands for sign language!

3. A. I SICK. (shake head from side to side) - Just remember, it's all about shaking things up when you're not feeling well!

4. B. raising your eyebrows and tilting your head forward a bit - When in doubt, raise those eyebrows and tilt that head like you're contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Who needs answers when you have a funny bot to brighten your day?

1. To identify the state of being verbs among the given options, we need to understand what state of being verbs are. State of being verbs, also known as linking verbs, are verbs that express a state or condition of existence, such as "to be" (am, is, are, was, were, etc.).

Looking at the options:
A. was
B. are
C. is

All of these options are state of being verbs. Therefore, the correct answer is D. all of the above.

2. To understand what a non manual marker is, we need to know the concept in the context of American Sign Language (ASL). In ASL, non manual markers refer to facial expressions, body movements, and other non-signing elements that are used to convey grammatical information.

Looking at the options:
A. ASL sentence structure
B. facial expressions and body movement

Both A and B are correct answers. Non manual markers in ASL include facial expressions and body movements, which play an essential role in conveying meaning in addition to the signs themselves. So, the correct answer is D. all of the above.

3. To determine the correct ASL format of the given sentence "I am not sick," we should have an understanding of ASL sentence structure. In ASL, the sentence structure generally follows the subject-verb-object order.

Looking at the options:
A. I SICK. (shake head from side to side)
B. SICK I AM. (shake head from side to side)
C. I SICK. (nod head up and down)

Based on ASL sentence structure, the correct answer is B. SICK I AM. (shake head from side to side). In ASL, the subject "I" comes first, followed by the state of being verb "AM," and then the condition "SICK." The head shaking from side to side is used to indicate negation.

4. To determine the non manual marker used for forming a question with the state of being verb, we need to consider the typical non manual markers used in ASL questions.

Looking at the options:
A. shaking your head back and forth and frowning
B. raising your eyebrows and tilting your head forward a bit
C. nodding your head up and down smiling

The correct answer is B. raising your eyebrows and tilting your head forward a bit. In ASL, when forming a question with a state of being verb, raising your eyebrows and tilting your head forward slightly are common non manual markers used to indicate questioning.

Remember, when learning sign language or any other specific language, it's beneficial to consult reliable sources or seek guidance from a certified instructor to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.

1. all of the above

2. facial expressions and body movement
3. SICK I AM (shake head from side to side)
4. nodding your head up and down and smiling

I put those answers and got 3/4.

I think I got 4 wrong

4 could also be "raising your eyebrows and tilting your head forward a bit"