An unknown liquid is spilled onto a glass table, creating a maximum of reflection with blue light that has a wavelength of 455 nm. Suppose the maximum occurs in the first order, determine the thickness of the liquid (n=1.26).

Please help me <3

To determine the thickness of the liquid, we need to use the equation for constructive interference in thin films, known as the film thickness equation:

2nt = mλ

- n is the refractive index of the liquid (given as 1.26).
- t is the thickness of the liquid film.
- m is the order of the interference (given as 1 for first order).
- λ is the wavelength of the light (given as 455 nm).

Now, let's solve for t:

2nt = mλ

Substituting the known values:

2 * 1.26 * t = 1 * 455 nm

2.52t = 455 nm

To solve for t, we divide both sides of the equation by 2.52:

t = 455 nm / 2.52

t ≈ 180.56 nm

Therefore, the approximate thickness of the liquid film is 180.56 nm.