A violin originally costs $700, but it is on sale for 15% off. If a customer buying the violin has a gift card for $60.00, what will his final price be on the violin after using the gift card

you guys are no help its 535

even is right it's 535

it's 535

To calculate the final price of the violin after applying the gift card, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the discount: The violin is on sale for 15% off, which means the customer will get a discount of 15% of the original price ($700).

15% of $700 = 0.15 * $700 = $105.00

2. Calculate the remaining cost: Subtract the discount from the original price to find the cost after the discount has been applied.

Original price - Discount = Remaining cost
$700 - $105 = $595.00

3. Subtract the gift card value from the remaining cost: Subtract the value of the gift card ($60) from the remaining cost to find the final price.

Remaining cost - Gift card value = Final price
$595 - $60 = $535.00

Therefore, the customer's final price for the violin, after using the gift card, will be $535.00.

700 * 0.85 - 60 = ____