Which best states the author's argument in Catching Sun Rays?

No power source is clean, free, and renewable.
It costs too much to use solar energy for power.
The use of solar energy can cause blackouts in big cities.
People and governments should use more solar energy.

To determine the best statement that summarizes the author's argument in Catching Sun Rays, we need to analyze the information provided in the text. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Read the entire article: Start by thoroughly reading the text to identify the main points presented by the author.

2. Identify the supporting evidence: Look for statements, statistics, or examples that the author uses to support their claims.

3. Assess the overall tone: Consider the tone of the article – whether it is positive, negative, or impartial – to gain insight into the author's position.

4. Evaluate the options:

a) "No power source is clean, free, and renewable."
This statement acknowledges that solar energy is not the only clean, free, and renewable power source available. While it may be a valid point, it does not explicitly state the author's argument regarding solar energy.

b) "It costs too much to use solar energy for power."
This statement suggests that solar energy is expensive, implying that the author may be arguing against its use. However, without further context, it is difficult to determine if this is the author's central argument.

c) "The use of solar energy can cause blackouts in big cities."
Similar to the previous statement, this indicates a potential drawback of solar energy and could be part of the author's argument against its widespread use. However, it does not encompass the full scope of the author's position.

d) "People and governments should use more solar energy."
This statement directly expresses the author's argument, advocating for increased utilization of solar energy by individuals and governments. It aligns with the central theme of the article, making it the best choice.

By considering the evidence, tone, and evaluating the options, d) "People and governments should use more solar energy" is the statement that best encapsulates the author's argument in Catching Sun Rays.