The Pirouette Dance Team needs more than $300

to cover costume expenses. They have $75
and plan to sell raffle tickets, r,
for $5
each in order to raise money.

Which statement is true about the solution for the inequality that represents this situation?

your text formatting sucks.

75 + 5r > 300

To find the solution for the inequality that represents this situation, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of raffle tickets sold is represented by the variable t.

The total amount raised from selling raffle tickets can be calculated by multiplying the number of tickets sold (t) by the price of each ticket ($5). So, the total raised from selling tickets can be expressed as 5t.

The amount the team already has ($75) can be added to the amount raised from selling tickets (5t) to find the total amount available for costume expenses.

According to the information provided, they need more than $300, so we can set up the following inequality:

75 + 5t > 300

To solve this inequality, we can subtract 75 from both sides first to isolate the term with t:

5t > 300 - 75
5t > 225

Then, we divide both sides of the inequality by 5 to solve for t:

t > 225 / 5
t > 45

Therefore, the solution for the inequality that represents this situation is t > 45.

So, the statement that is true about the solution for the inequality is: "The number of raffle tickets sold must be greater than 45 Tickets."