how can I divide 1 orange to 3 people equally where each one get a half of it?

no way ... 3/2 is greater than 1

To divide an orange equally among three people where each person gets half of it, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by cutting the orange in half horizontally. This will give you two equal halves.

2. Take one of the halves and cut it in half again horizontally. Now you have three equal quarters.

3. Finally, give one quarter to each person. Each person now has half of the original orange.

By following these steps, you can divide one orange into three equal halves, with each person receiving half of the orange.

To divide one orange equally among three people where each person gets half of it, you can follow these steps:

1. Cut the orange in half vertically: Start by cutting the orange in half from top to bottom using a sharp knife. This will create two equal halves.

2. Cut one of the halves in half horizontally: Choose one of the halves and place it horizontally on the cutting board. Cut it in half again, this time from left to right, creating two equal quarters.

3. Distribute the quarters: Finally, distribute the two quarters to the first two people. Each of them will now have half of the original orange. The remaining half of the orange can be given to the third person.

By following these steps, you can divide one orange into three equal portions, with each person receiving a half of it.