If 50ml of a 7.5 % w/v sodium bicarbonate injection are added to the 500ml of a 5% dextrose injection what is percentage strength of sodium bicarbonate in the product?

To calculate the percentage strength of sodium bicarbonate in the final product, you need to determine the amount of sodium bicarbonate present in the solution after mixing.

Step 1: Calculate the amount of sodium bicarbonate in the 50ml injection.
7.5% w/v means 7.5g of sodium bicarbonate is present in every 100ml of the solution.
So, in 50ml of the injection, there would be (7.5g/100ml) x 50ml = 3.75g of sodium bicarbonate.

Step 2: Calculate the total volume of the final product.
After adding the 50ml of sodium bicarbonate injection to the 500ml of dextrose injection, the total volume of the final product will be 50ml + 500ml = 550ml.

Step 3: Calculate the total amount of sodium bicarbonate in the final product.
Since there is 3.75g of sodium bicarbonate in 50ml injection, the concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the final product will be (3.75g/50ml) x 550ml = 41.25g.

Step 4: Calculate the percentage strength of sodium bicarbonate in the final product.
The final product has a total volume of 550ml and contains 41.25g of sodium bicarbonate.
Therefore, the percentage strength of sodium bicarbonate in the product is (41.25g/550ml) x 100% ≈ 7.5%.

To determine the percentage strength of sodium bicarbonate in the product after mixing the two solutions, you'll need to calculate the amount of sodium bicarbonate present in the final volume.

First, let's find the amount of sodium bicarbonate in the 50ml of a 7.5% w/v sodium bicarbonate injection. The "w/v" indicates that the concentration is given as weight/volume, which means that 7.5g of sodium bicarbonate is present in 100ml of the solution.

So, in 50ml, the amount of sodium bicarbonate can be calculated using the proportion:

(7.5g / 100ml) = (x / 50ml)

Cross-multiplying gives:

x = (7.5g / 100ml) * 50ml
x = 3.75g

Therefore, 50ml of a 7.5% w/v sodium bicarbonate injection contains 3.75g of sodium bicarbonate.

Next, let's calculate the final volume after mixing the 50ml of sodium bicarbonate solution with 500ml of a 5% dextrose injection:

50ml + 500ml = 550ml

Now, to calculate the concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the final product, we'll divide the amount of sodium bicarbonate (3.75g) by the final volume (550ml) and multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage:

(3.75g / 550ml) * 100 ≈ 0.68%

Therefore, the final product will have a sodium bicarbonate concentration of approximately 0.68%.

let the new percentage be x

7.5(50) + 5(500) = x(550)
solve for x