In an essay, an idea is _____________ if it directly supports the claim.

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What do you think?

In an essay, an idea is considered "relevant" if it directly supports the claim.

To determine whether an idea is relevant or not, you need to closely analyze and evaluate the relationship between the idea and the claim being made. Here's how you can do that:

1. Identify the claim: Begin by understanding the central argument or thesis statement in the essay. This claim is usually presented in the introduction or conclusion.

2. Understand the idea: Read the specific idea or point being discussed in a paragraph or section of the essay. Make sure you comprehend the idea's main concept, opinion, or viewpoint.

3. Evaluate the connection: Assess how the idea directly aligns with the claim. Consider whether the idea provides evidence, examples, reasoning, or support for the claim. Look for logical coherence and relevance between the claim and the idea.

4. Check for consistency: Ensure that the idea consistently supports the claim throughout the essay. If an idea contradicts or strays away from the claim, it may not be considered relevant.

By carefully examining the relationship between the claim and each idea presented in the essay, you can determine if an idea is relevant or not. This evaluation is crucial for constructing a strong and cohesive argument.

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