T or F

Much of what we know of Old Kingdom, Egypt and the accomplishments of the pharaohs, in particular comes from funerary texts


Probably true. Check your text.


Much of what we know about the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the accomplishments of the pharaohs comes from a variety of sources, including archaeological discoveries, inscriptions on monuments, temples, and tombs, as well as royal and administrative documents. Funerary texts, such as the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts, do provide important information about the beliefs and rituals of the time, but they are not the sole source of knowledge regarding the Old Kingdom and the pharaohs.

False. Much of what we know about the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the accomplishments of the pharaohs actually comes from a variety of sources, including funerary texts. These texts, found in tombs and burial chambers, provide valuable insights into the beliefs, rituals, and customs of ancient Egyptians. However, they are not the sole or primary source of information. Other sources, such as inscriptions on monuments, relics, administrative records, and archaeological findings, also contribute to our understanding of the Old Kingdom period. It is through analyzing and combining these various sources that scholars have pieced together the knowledge we have today about that era in ancient Egyptian history.