Haval H1 SUV fuel consumption is 8 litres per 100 km. The fuel tank capacity of Haval H1 SUV is 60 litres. After filling up the full tank, the car has travelled 320 km. How many litres of fuel will be in the car after the car has travelled 320 km?

a. 32 litres
b. 34,4 litres
c. 28 litres
d. 25,6 litres

Fuel used to go 320 km = 320(8/100) litres = 25,6 L

volume left in tank = 60 - 25,6 L or 34,4 L

To find the answer, we can use the formula:

Fuel consumed = (Distance traveled / Fuel consumption rate)

In this case, the distance traveled is 320 km and the fuel consumption rate is 8 liters per 100 km.

First, we need to calculate the fuel consumed:

Fuel consumed = (320 km / 100 km) * 8 liters = 256 / 100 = 2.56 liters

Next, we subtract the fuel consumed from the total fuel tank capacity to find the remaining fuel:

Remaining fuel = Fuel tank capacity - Fuel consumed
Remaining fuel = 60 liters - 2.56 liters = 57.44 liters

Therefore, the car will have approximately 57.44 liters of fuel remaining after traveling 320 km.

Now we can check which of the given options matches the calculated value:

a. 32 liters - No
b. 34.4 liters - No
c. 28 liters - No
d. 25.6 liters - No

None of the given options match the calculated value.