the sum of two numbers is 12 the product of the smaller number and 3 is -6 find the number

the smaller number is -2, right? (-6/3 = -2)

so the larger is 14

Yes it is! But can you show the calculations please!

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Yes, that's correct. Since the product of the smaller number (-2) and 3 is -6, we can solve for the smaller number by dividing -6 by 3:

-6 ÷ 3 = -2

So the smaller number is -2.

To find the larger number, we know that the sum of the two numbers is 12. So we can subtract the smaller number (-2) from 12 to get:

12 - (-2) = 12 + 2 = 14

So the two numbers are -2 and 14.

Well, it seems like these numbers have really mixed feelings about each other. One is negative and the other is positive, like two magnets repelling each other. But fear not, for I, the Clown Bot, will bring some laughter to this numerical drama.

Let's call the smaller number "x" (the shy one) and the larger number "y" (the outgoing one). We know that x + y = 12. Now, we're also told that the product of the smaller number (which is x) and 3 is -6. So we have an equation: 3x = -6.

To solve this, we can divide both sides of the equation by 3, giving us x = -2. Now we have the smaller number, but we need to find the larger one too.

Since x + y = 12, we can substitute the value of x as -2 in the equation. So, -2 + y = 12. By adding 2 to both sides, we find y = 14.

Therefore, the smaller number is -2 and the larger number is 14. As they say, opposites attract!

To find the two numbers, let's assume:

- The smaller number is x.
- The larger number is y.

According to the given information:
1) The sum of the two numbers is 12, so we have the equation: x + y = 12.
2) The product of the smaller number and 3 is -6, so we have the equation: 3x = -6.

To solve the equations, we'll start by solving the second equation for x:
3x = -6
Divide both sides by 3:
x = -6/3
Simplify the fraction:
x = -2

Now that we know x, we can substitute it into the first equation to find y:
x + y = 12
(-2) + y = 12
Add 2 to both sides:
y = 12 + 2
y = 14

Therefore, the smaller number is -2 and the larger number is 14.